Originally Posted by JinnKai
But WK isn't a random schmo. Most here that have read his posts know that he's a grown adult
Well everyone here is a grown adult, otherwise they get banned
Maybe it's because I approach every day at my job with this attitude, but I don't believe anyone should be held to different standards in a situation than anyone else. If it's reprehensible for you to cheat, then it should also be reprehensible for King to cheat. Easy as that.
If it were just King that we had to worry about when giving this advice, then sure, cheat. Who cares? If you can live with yourself, go for it. But advice like that will also effect King's girlfriend, who does not deserve to be put through that. If the relationship isn't what he wants, he is free to break it off and go after one that suits him better. If it is what he wants, then he needs to realize that some sacrifices have to be made - including not acting on his desire for other women. Or as the old saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too.