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Old 03-18-2007, 12:26 AM   #13 (permalink)
Kadath: Thank you for saying what no one wanted to, but needed to be said.

Brew: I'm sorry for your loss.

The only thing I'd say is not to drill the whole "his parents are assholes for leaving him alone and it's their fault he's dead" idea into your daughter's head. Suicide is a personal choice. Even if he was neck-deep in depression, it is at best their fault for not getting him help or watching him more carefully... but his death is ultimately no one's fault but his own.

Blaming the parents will not help your daughter grieve, and it is more than likely an incorrect assumption, especially considering the age of the boy. Parents do not always pick up on the signs of depression in their children- be it a lack of attention that would otherwise not be problematic, a lack of knowledge on the signs of depression, or plain old denial.

The best of luck to your family (and his) in dealing with this loss.
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