Originally Posted by AquaFox
is it safe to buy something this big on eBay or online? I'm just scared of something going wrong with the thing... I've had many electronics need returned to the store shortly after purchasing them due to defect, and that doesn't seem to work as easy online...
check their feedback, and pay with paypal. You should be OK, especially if it's new-in-box and not used.
also, i see the rebel XT is 8mega pixel and is just as much as the D40 price wise...
first off, you need to get away from the idea that the higher megapixel cameras are automatically better. Megapixels aren't nearly as important as lens. The camera on the Mars Rover has a 1 megapixel CCD, yet it's returning astonishing pictures -- mainly because the lens costs something like a million bucks. I'd rather see you get a 5mp camera with a really good lens than an 8mp camera with a crappy one. Unless you're planning to blow your pictures up to poster size, you really don't need more than 5.
is the rebel XT a good camera for the money? and what are the downsides/ advantages of it... if any!
Yeah, it's pretty good. Canons, especially the DSLR ones, have a reputation for being more susceptible to moisture than Nikons do. For that reason alone I stick with Nikon.
i'm sorry for all the novice questions, i'm trying hard to learn about these things! i really appreciate everyones help so far!
That's what this forum is here for
BTW as far as new vs. used, I'd sooner get a used D50 than a new D40. The D40 is much more of an amateur camera. The D50 is closer to prosumer.