Strange how the dog ate geese that one time and was put down when my own Roachy's, willravel's, zipper's, the others from the above posts, my girlfriends mams and, from the below websites, thousands of other dogs have clearly eaten tons of chicken bones and are fine.
Logically the only explanation is that it's a wild coincidence.
I don't think from these sites it's black and white amongst vets either. I also know that in developing countries dogs are given chicken bones without a second thought.
check out the following site on climate change due to wasted food in landfills.
Also (please keep an open mind when you read this) even if the majority of western educated vets are saying one thing does that mean we should automatically assume they're right? In the 1970's everyone assumed U.S. psychiatrists were always right until a group of psychiatric students proved the whole system was flawed.
All I'm saying is an independant study needs to be done (not one where they look at 20 dogs fed bones over a period of one week and we're told this represents the worlds dog population) long lasting one involving many dogs.
An experiment to find out if cooked or raw bones are sharper would be easy. I already sent in something to mythbusters.
If we are being lied to then it should be exposed.