Looking for video card advice...
Stepping out of the shadows here (for that matter this is my first visit in some time with a new baby and life in general) to ask this:
I am looking for a new video card and wondering what is the best possible deal to buy that will involve no other upgrades at the moment.
the two systems involved (my crash box was the original intended upgrade target, not so sure now though) are
Main system:
A7V 333 MB
Athlon XP 1900 CPU
AGP Pro 4x Slot
ATI AIW 7500 (still getting my $400+ worth out of it)
Secondary/crash box (used for nearly all of my gaming)
A7V133 MB
Athlon 1300 CPU
AGP Pro 4x slot
Geforce4 MX4000 128 MB card (just upgraded last summer from a Hercules Prophet 64 MB card)
I have been considering a ATI 9800 pro or an ATI 9550 as I have seen the 9800 firsthand and was impressed.
I was reading that sticky above for video cards and the specs listed for the GeForce 7600GS caught my eye and have me wondering - what is AGP 2.0/3.0, and how does that relate to the AGP Pro on my systems? Most of those snazzy looking AGP cards I have seen on newegg have rather high minimum requirements with the CPU and they list AGP 2 or 3.
almost forgot to mention, my best/newest test subject is Doom3 - it is by far the most graphically intense game I have available to test. My Hercules Prophet 64 card would not even consider it, and the MX40000 will at least go through the motions of loading the game before playing it as smoothly as Wolfenstein 3D on a 286 PS/1. All I am looking for is something that can handle Doom3 decently and play Half-Life smoothly (my AIW 7500 has some problems with HL).
much thanks for any and all help, I will respond at some point in the next day or so at the latest.
Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.
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