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Old 03-15-2007, 10:16 PM   #26 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
jorgelito's Avatar
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Well, you just may get your wish. It doesn't really sound like they can hang around too much longer. And as long as you (and/or I or whomever) don't watch it and condone it, then we continuously send a message of what we want and don't want to consume for media/entertainment.

The remote control (and now TiVO and the like) are powerful tools for consumers.

I totally agree with you about stereotypes of ANY TYPE are despicable and deplorable (Arab terrorists, Latino criminals, Asian nerds etc) and would even go as far as to say positive stereotypes are bad as well.

I say let BET and the like fall on their own, for if they do insist on keeping that up, then they will (I'm assuming).

Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
...I wonder how many 'minorities' have posted in this thread so far.
You know, I always wonder about that when these types of threads come up. Although I am curious, sometimes it's a good thing if we simply don't know that info. That way we can just let our words speak for themselves.

Oh yeah, and Will (and anyone else who's interested), please do check out Def Jam Poetry Slam, I think you'd like it.


Here, we can now add Confederate Month to the list of examples of "mental segregation". I mean, they lost the war right? Someone tell them to "get over it" and assimilate as Americans already...
Ga. Senate panel OKs Confederate month

By DOUG GROSS, Associated Press WriterThu Mar 15, 5:51 PM ET

A panel of Georgia lawmakers signed off Thursday on a plan to create a Confederate heritage month, even as legislative leaders reacted coolly to a push to apologize for the state's role in slavery.

Sen. Jeff Mullis' bill would dub April as Confederate History and Heritage Month to honor the memory of the Confederacy and "all those millions of its citizens of various races and ethnic groups and religions who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence."

The unanimous vote by the Senate Rules committee — which sent the plan on to the full Senate for consideration — comes days after black lawmakers announced plans to ask the state to officially apologize for its role in slavery and segregation-era laws.

Virginia's legislature last month passed a resolution expressing "profound regret" for the state's role in slavery, and lawmakers in Missouri and Congress have proposed similar measures.

Democratic Rep. Tyrone Brooks, chairman of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, said it's discouraging to see the Confederate month proposal moving ahead after leaders of the Republican-controlled House and Senate said they're not in favor of apologizing for slavery.

"Georgia needs to recognize and apologize and atone for its part in the slave trade, as Virginia has done," Brooks said. "Until we do, I think there will continue to be resistance from African-Americans and others who are serving in the General Assembly" to efforts like Confederate month.

Mullis, a Republican, said his bill was not a response to the slavery-apology movement.

"I'm from Chickamauga, so it seemed pretty appropriate for me to do something to commemorate the War Between the States," Mullis said. His family owned land at the site of the Battle of Chickamauga, the Civil War's second-bloodiest battle and the South's last major victory.

Mullis has supported efforts to create a Civil Rights History Month in Georgia but opposes a slavery apology. "If I had done something personally, yes, I would apologize," he said.

The state's branch of the NAACP called the push for a Confederate month hypocritical.

"Although the supporters of the Confederate history bill feel responsible to honor the past deeds of their ancestors through official governmental action, they resist all notions that they have any responsibility to apologize to their ancestors' victims through official governmental action," said Edward Dubose, president of the group's Georgia chapter. "That reeks of hypocrisy."

Brooks, who said black lawmakers plan to officially introduce their slavery legislation next week, said he hopes Mullis' bill at least will encourage discussion. He said he's not necessarily against the idea of a Confederate month — as long as similar recognition is given to the state's black history.

"All of Georgia's history should be promoted and respected and highlighted," he said. "Hopefully this will lead us into some meaningful dialogue."

Last edited by jorgelito; 03-15-2007 at 10:50 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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