Originally Posted by jorgelito
As far as "districts", those groups you mentioned did not have a choice. They were forced to live in certain areas. In fact, you can still see old covenants on title deeds restricting Jews to live in certain areas. "Chinese districts" exist because historically, they were not allowed to live anywhere else. Over time, this became tradition. Also, when minorities started being allowed to integrate more, it was/is the whites that leave an area, leaving it a "minority district".
Very good point. Stinks that things came about this way, undoing this kind of past folly is so astronomically harder than preventing it in the first place. :/
Originally Posted by jorgelito
That is a common misunderstanding. BET does not exist to differentiate blacks from the mainstream, but rather, to introduce an element of our society that is missing in the mainstream culture, media etc.
I personally believe that these are stepping stones and will eventually not need it. But for now, we obviously do. I believe, that the mainstream has responded in kind and diversity has slowly, of so very slowly, begun to adapt and respond accordingly.
Interesting! Based on this info I agree with their mission but disagree with their methodology. By all means, fill in the gap and make some money from doing so - but don't use labels if at all possible. If the goal is catering to a community to help them integrate into a healthy mainstream, remove every segregationist reference (again, that's realistically possible) and do it. If the material is truly good and fulfilling the need, the marketshare and thus money will be there - without playing the race card. win-win imo.