This is not a scam/pyramid scheme. The idea is similar to insurance. Pay a little quite often and they'll "take care of ya" when the big emergency hits.
At one point in my life I felt like I couldn't afford proper legal counsel if I needed, yet I was in college and the places I lived and the stuff happening all around me led me to believe I could be involved in a lawsuit (on either end, but most likely the plaintiff). This service was piece of mind for me.
The nasty part (or good, depending on your definition) is that your benefits grow every year you're a member. So now... well maybe I don't need them anymore. Not for piece of mind at least, but I have all this time "saved up" and it's hard to dump.
Popular advice I've seen in other places is: subscribe, get your will done and cancel. My advice is, if you'd like it for piece of mind, go for it but remember you're subscribed ($15 both is and isn't significant!). Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.