Originally Posted by Esoteric
That's news to me, I personally don't see ANY game worth buying the system for right now.
Have you played Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm? I have, as well as Twilight Princess and Red Steel and Wii Sports and Rayman for Wii. Resistance and MotorStorm are just as good as anything the Wii has to offer, Sony simply sucked it up marketing them, especially Resistance (ZERO ads before the PS3 launched, and only recently did Resistance start getting TV time). I'll admit that it's debatable whether these games are worth buying the PS3 for, but they're good games either way. I personally don't think Twilight Princess is worth buying a Wii for if you already have a Gamecube. I guess the games that are coming out down the road should have a pretty big impact on the purchase decision as well as others have stated in this thread.