Originally Posted by Destrox
Damn... you do know this movie was not meant to be a history piece, that it was written to be an exact book-movie transition from a COMIC BOOK.
These things never were meant to be taken that serious.
Comic books, just like movies, in general (excluding educational films) are merely made for entertainment.
I'd suggest for you to re-watch it after brushing that chip off your shoulder, but it seems firmly in place.
Obviously it's not supposed to be accurate. My main complaint is not about the accuracy of the story, it's about the lack of any substantial story period. The historical context was completely irrelevant anyway. Its like, here's a bunch of white guys killing a bunch of brown guys. For two hours. While some other white people get nekkid and recite lame lines. Its like bad Cinemax porno with lots of violence. None of the movies I liked that it was "similar to" were very historically accurate either; I just can't believe anyone could be entertained by that. Its totally brainless. I was even half stoned while I watched it and I'd still have been more entertained by an old ladies' sewing circle. Now I accept there's some value in the visual style and art, but I don't think a two hour long feature film with no plot is a good way to display it.