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Old 03-14-2007, 09:37 AM   #99 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA

I do feel it is the right and duty of everyone to push the government to do better. That includes asking tough questions and finding the answers.

However, I'm also a realist and realistically what we have now, as imperfect as it maybe, as one sided as it may seem it is the best form of government and freedom man has seen in modern day history. But it doesn't mean we have to stop there. We build onto it, we take away from it as needed and when needed. If Bush is evil.... we have only 2 more years... we vote him out and we find a new guy to pin everything on. Unless we decide to get positive and we elect someone with true ideas and plans to better the country.

We get only what we want... we want negative politicians we get them... we want to be apathetic we are.... we want to be bullied by extremists we will be.... we want the press to tell us how to be.... we will be told..... Negativity = easy.

I've stated many times, this nation is primarily a nation of centrists. The vast majority are not radical. Maybe one one or two issues but they are pretty much middle ground.

I am not of the belief that "both parties are the same because that is how the powers that be want it." They are what they are because WE are. There isn't much difference because there isn't much difference in what the needs and wants are.

If we have negative corrupt politicians, it isn't because of some grand scheme, or master plan.... it's because we put them there. Again, negativity begets negativity. People don't demand true change until the nation goes too far one way.

Are we ever going to have a perfect society, where everyone is treated equally, everyone has the same amount of money, everyone is fed etc etc?

No, it's impossible. The only thing possible is to take what we have and make it better. The only way to make it better is to open dialogue between the 2 sides stop pushing the to be defensive over everything they believe and embrace the possibility that together they may find answers and solutions.

If I am beat over the head every day for a belief that the sky is pink and purple polka dotted..... I am eventually going to do 1 of 2 things.... 1) I will get defensive and never change my mind ....... or 2) I will eventually get tired of fighting and comply, but also have hatred and an "I'll show them" attitude. That is what we are doing to society today.

The media, politicians, politics board theorists..... etc all are beating down people with how they should believe.

The Dems are told to believe this way..... the GOP that way.... but in doing so the middle ground and the majority of people who want middle ground are used as warfare and pushed and pulled and dictated to by the 2 extremes.

It's time to stop letting the extremes run the country and find poistive solutions.

This country is not black and white but full of grays and can grow.... but we allow the politicians, press and so on to tell us it's all black and white and there is no other choice. They beat us down and tell us how horrid the other side is and run by fear.

Solutions, compromises and bettering the country is out there and within reach, it's just a matter of truly working to find how best to achieve them.

It's like I asked of you and Host, or anyone here. Stop complaining, stop telling everyone how bad everything is and come up with solutions and debate those..... people watch, they learn they see what they like and then they get opinions and add input and soon people are no longer scared to speak out, or feel they are not smart enough, or feel left behind.... but that they are included and what they say matters.

That is the key to this country and to bettering our society. Not ringing bells, blowing whistles, telling everyone how bad everything is.... but giving everyone the oppurtunity to have a voice, to embrace their ideas (on local levels and then their reps and senators take them higher), to give everyone hope and a feeling of belonging in society.

Greed, chasing the Smiths, etc. etc. stems from one problem: the people are losing their sense of community belonging. They don't feel a part of the community, they don't feel a sense of having a voice and way to input ideas.... so they go out and buy all the neat stuff that allows them to feel they belong.

Man is a social animal.... however the individual needs to feel that what they do matters .......... if anything is truly wrong with this country.... it's that we have allowed that sense, that needs to be dismissed and taken away from us.

It's time to get it back, even if it is only on this insignificant forum at first.... good ideas and positive energy while they have to work harder are heard, seen and spread like wildfire.... not that they take immediately but people see them and start thinking and begin to believe there can be better.... that's a start.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 03-14-2007 at 09:45 AM..
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