Today is day 23 of not smoking for me. I did have a puke episode pretty much after my last post here...I shifted to half a tablet twice a day & it's enough to keep me going. Upside to doing half, 1/2 the price & should be even easier when I am ready to stop!
I did find a couple of others had the depression when going off, one said it was about 4 days, the other two weeks. Most said they had zero reaction. Hoping your episode is a short one! Be sure not to confuse depression for not having a successful quit (been there done that!) & coming off the meds.
Perhaps it's the guilt I have on myself for turning to "a miracle drug" and not having the strength myself to do it.
I completely understand this thought, I do admit I feel like I've cheated on this quit, it's been so easy!!! But~I'm taking it & running with it, who needs to make life harder?