I googled around to try and find a single documented case of battlefield executions, but I couldn't find one. So maybe in Hollywood this happens, but I doubt it's something done in real life...unless the UCMJ also calls for executions without trials?
@seaver, "verbal" contracts are very much contracts. look it up.
I also have no idea why people are thinking that *oral* contracts are not viable contracts, or that they are superceded by written ones...other than the obvious flaw that it's difficult to prove the terms of an oral contract in a courtroom. but that doesn't mean they are less "legal" than a written contract.
test the hypothesis
go anywhere and take delivery of any service
refuse to pay
argue in court that you never "signed" a contract
report back here with your results
there isn't much to say about when someone asks if anyone else has promised anything for your signature. it's an empty question, no is going to answer in the negative. recruits intend to sign, that's the point of them sitting in the chair. just like a defendant standing before the judge, and (s)he asks if anyone, the police or prosecutor, have offered anything for the defendant's plea of "no contest" or "guilty." The defendant can be a dumbass and say, yeah, there's a whole list of promises before Your Honor right now...I didn't make them up. and go back to his cage and wait for a trial. or he can play the game and state, no, I never received a promise of a shorter sentence or any other kind. I willingly and knowingly offer my plea
it's admirable that people read their contracts so carefully, but I doubt that's as true as it's being made out to be here.
how many of you have walked away from a rental because you read through the rental agreement?
or walked away from a loan?
a new house purchase?
a rental car?
your plane tickets?
what about canceling your credit cards whenever they send you those cute notices that the terms have changed?
I don't have much to say about Keys, but it's certainly something weird to get worked up over in the politics forum. and definately odd to call a longtime member stupid over.
anyway, I wanted to read more about the story and googled Joshua Keys and came up with a number of hits. most simply describe his book and offer it for sale. this one actually presents pieces of it:
it is what it is. a source. I don't derive any legitimacy or lack of from it.