Originally Posted by shakran
Well, assuming this ghost-written letter is 100% true (I still have my doubts) his recruiter DID promise him he wouldn't be deployed abroad. So there is an argument that he did not, in fact, "know what he was getting into."
If he was dumb enough to believe a recruiter, he should be punished just for being stupid. Sorry, but I have to echo previous sentiments. he signed on the line, of his own free will. then he ran, leaving people that were depending on him being where he was supposed to be hanging. I have no sympathy for him, no matter what his politics are. If he really thinks what he is doing is wrong, there are ways to take it up the chain. If that didn't work, then keep submitting chits to be transfered to another job where you are doing work that is less likely to leave you feeling wrong. Barring that, suck it, do what you signed on to do, and get out when your tour is over.