My first attempt at a sunset
I just bought a Canon PowerShot A640 a couple of weeks ago and haven't had much of a chance to play with it. I haven't done any photography since high school ten years ago but I am starting to learn again. I took this pic of the sunset from my apartment balcony. The only editing I have done was to resize in the GIMP so it isn't so honking huge. I'd like to get some feedback on how I can do better next time. One thing I noticed moreso on the full size version is that the pic is somewhat grainy. Is this the result of the ISO setting being too high? I had it at ISO 800. Here is the data on the pic.
Aperture F8
Exposure Bias 0
Exposure Mode Manual
Exposure Time 2s
FNumber F8
Flash No, compulsory
Focal Lenghth 29.2mm
Metering Mode Center Weighted Average
Shutter Speed 2s
White Balance Auto
Oh, I must add it was quit a bit darker out than the photo shows. It was completely dark out about 15 minutes after I took this pic.
Last edited by laconic1; 03-12-2007 at 06:53 PM..