I don't just want a handgun because I want a handgun and to hell with everybody else. I happen to think individual liberty is the first (and in many ways only) thing that a government should be concerned with protecting. That's why I'm proud to be a U.S. citizen and that's what I think makes the U.S. a special place. Respect for a greater community (incidentally made up of individuals) can only come from an individual who respects himself. You can build a great big wall, but it won't hold unless the bricks you use are sound. I would say this in any thread about individual liberty - this isn't just about guns.
On a meta-note about this thread:
My views may seem simplistic or naive to some of you, but I think it's impossible to have a real constructive discussion about anything with people who don't agree 100% with you unless you are prepared to discuss your fundamental values - why you believe what you believe. If I wanted to practice political debate, I would start one of those political debate threads that I remember existed here once upon a time, or I would go join a political organization or take a poli sci class. What happened to discussion? What happened to the personal element? Since I have decided to participate in Politics again (merely days ago), I have wanted to run screaming at least three times so far. I didn't realize I was walking into a courtroom or news room. I see buzz words all over the place and I honestly have no idea what many of you (notably the most riled up) mean by the things you say. Perhaps you are all purposely being vague in order to posture yourselves for a "win" or using buzz words thinking maybe this time I'll one-up that guy who doesn't agree with me. Perhaps you think you are being admirably pugnacious spirits. Or, maybe it just feels good to zing that guy you really disagree with. Well, good luck with that. I, for one, am more than slightly repulsed by this atmosphere. If this is what the cool kids do, then I don't want to be cool anymore.