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Old 03-12-2007, 03:42 PM   #33 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by matthew330
Military Academies DO recruit kids at the high school level...heavily. If that is why this stuck out in your mind, that is hilarious.
West point had the time to send recruiters to my high school? And they were in the Air Force? Why do you think it stuck out in my mind?
Originally Posted by matthew330
I personally find your story that an Air Force recruiter promised you a 'free ride' to West Point (Army Academy) somewhat duuuuubious. Hmmmmmm. The Air Force Academy is in Colorado, not West Point.
It was a recounting, not a story.

If you were a military recruiter that has a quota to fill and aren't held accountable for what you say....wouldn't you be tempted to say anything you need to get kids signed up? Why the heck would this misinformation from recruiters surprise you? If this surprises you, you might also be surprised to know that Keith Richards has done drugs or the Iraqi war wasn't really over 3 years ago.
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