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Old 03-12-2007, 01:44 PM   #25 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights is not. There is no verbal contract. There is only the enlistment documents. Which, by the way, is also key here. Enlistment. Key is not, was not, and now never will be a military "officer". Do not address him as such. Officer's are commisioned. Not all military members are officers.
I'm afraid you're wrong. When someone is recruiting, they are making an offer. This consists of both verbal and written in the case above. While the written contract was not breached, the verbal contract was. As such, the enlistment officer should be penalized, and Key should be allowed to work within the promises of the verbal and written contract. In other words, the military should legally be required to follow both agreements. If they can't do that, they should shut their recruiters up.

'Officer' has many meanings. I was using it to mean 'an agent of' the military. I was not suggesting a position of rank or authority. He was probably a Private, and I don't know his specific current status.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
What in the hell does West Point have to do with the Air Force?
So you understand why it has always stuck out in my mind. My grandfather almost got into West Point (and told me stories about it), and my Uncle was a recruiter that has gotten a few very talented kids into West Point. I'm well aware that recruiting walk ups at a high school makes for West Point makes no sense.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
No offense intended, don't take it that way. But, you attract a pretty bizare element, based on this and other posts. My recruiter didn't lie to me. Neither did anyone else's that I know. Sure, they exagerate. Who in a sales capacity doesn't? "Buy them a house"? I'm more likely to believe that your friends misheard the recruiter when he told them that housing was free. "Free house"? I dunno, man.
That's why I linked thisarticle above. They are dishonest, a lot, and it seems they are not held accountable. If it's that easy to catch a recruiter saying things like 'create a fake diploma' and 'Just take this detox' to hide drugs. Where is the honor and duty in that? I call it dishonorable, and if the military can't keep track of their own recruiters, then they shouldn't be allowed to recruit. Maybe they should just have pamphlets available online. It's harder for a pamphlet to lie.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
As for Private Key? Shoot him.
If you insist, but not until they shoot his recruiter, his commanding officer, and any officer to raid a home of innocent people.

Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I grow increasingly weary of self proclaimed experts, in all manner of things of a military nature, be it contracts, tactics, strategy, to uniform button placement, that never so much as put on a Boy Scout uniform. Just because you put together a model plane, watched Full Metal Jacket, or you read some BS in someone's "blog", does not make you a military expert. Defer to experience.
I don't remember anyone say they were an expert, myself included. If someone is wrong, then you can refute the facts they've presented, citing evidence. If you can't, the ad hominem fallacy won't make a bit of difference.

I've never served in the military. I would have been in the Army for 4 years already had I not been born with a severe heart condition, but such is life. I don't need 26 years of military service under my belt to know recruiters lie. I don't need 26 years of military service to know that innocent people are victimized in Iraq, be they soldiers forced to do things they think are wrong or Iraqi civilians being mistreated. I don't need any military experience to understand what a verbal contract is, and what it means.

Last edited by Willravel; 03-12-2007 at 01:49 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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