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Old 03-12-2007, 12:26 PM   #22 (permalink)
While reading his contract may not have prevented his recruiter from lying it really doesn't matter what the recruiter says because everyone that volunteers in today's military is bound by the written contract they sign not by the bullshit the recruiter may or may not have told them.

I realize it was 20+ years ago but I doubt it's changed much. When I volunteered to serve I signed a bunch of crap at the recruiters office but the real contract wasn't until I went to Indy and had my physical. Another person took me in a room and asked me a bunch of questions which included going over the written contract in a brief summary, gave me a few minutes to read it and ask any questions then he asked me perhaps the most important question related to this thread, "has your recruiter made any promises or told you anything different that what is included here in this contract?". It may not have been in those exact words but it was pretty damn close. When I stated no he asked me to sign. So while this bullshit about what so and sos recruiter may or may not have said may fly with someone that hasn't served I sure as heck don't buy it and I have little sympathy or patience with it and I suspect most other vets have little also. Every single person that has ever served has put up with more bullshit and has had to do a lot of crap they sure as hell didn't want to or plan on doing when they signed that contract.

I personally feel this whole story is politically motivated and filled with bullshit. That's my opinion for what it's worth. And since I lean more right than left I doubt it's worth much on this board lol.
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