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Old 03-12-2007, 10:07 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Well, assuming this ghost-written letter is 100% true (I still have my doubts) his recruiter DID promise him he wouldn't be deployed abroad. So there is an argument that he did not, in fact, "know what he was getting into."
I not only beleive it's possible, but probable that many recruiters make promises like "you won't be deployed overseas" or "you won't have to go to Iraq" all the time. It's what they do.
Maybe he should read the contract before he signs it. It does not matter what the recruiter says, any 3 year old knows that verbal contracts are not contracts, because both sides can easily change their story on what was told.

The Military MUST comply with every sentence of a signed contract. No where in his contract did it say he wouldn't be deployed. He signed it AFTER 9/11 where Bush had already said we would go where the terrorists are, to then claim he thought he wouldn't be deployed after signing up for an Army in a time of war smells like a dead whale on the beach.

I don't feel sorry for people who put adjustable rates on their houses and end up paying a lot more when the Fed changes rates. I don't feel bad for people who buy cars with credit cards and end up getting the BIG shaft. I don't feel bad for people who constantly overdraft their accounts and get charged $32 each time. I don't feel sorry for people who don't bother reading a contract before they sign it. It doesn't take very much time and it can (and does) affect the rest of your life.

So all of a sudden after fighting the war, and returning to the comfort of the US, he has a problem with the recruiter? How about when he was receiving the signing bonus, or when he was being offered the $40k for college, or full health/dental/etc benefits? Sorry does he think the Military offers these things because they're generous? No, they offer them because it is the DUTY of the Military to fight wars. Why would they allow their soldiers to pick and choose, or even allow them to never leave the US? He claims he's uneducated, but to make a claim like this you have to be certifiably retarded.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
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