I don't really have a favorite thread - although I am surprised by how creative people can be in some threads in Nonsense. You can't leave that board without a smile.
I only really participate in a meaningful way at three boards, my favorites, General Discussion, Sports, and Links. General is fun cause there is a nice range of topics - anything from serious to fun and all that is usually needed is a well-thought out opinion. Sports could use a shot in the arm, but people there have interesting things to say. And Links is fun cause there is some good stuff passed on there.
I stay away from Politics - cause I have found that instead of a discussion where opposing sides may meet somewhere in the middle by the end of the thread, you kinda get two sides screaming at each other from seperate proverbial mountain tops.
Other boards I drop by and may post a comment or two if I see a topic I like.
So I guess I don't have favorite threads, but boards that I like.