Movie preview selection
If this is the sort of thing that only happens in my theater then this will be a very short-lived thread.
In my local theater, the previews seem to be carefully selected to match the audience they believe is there for that particular movie. For example, when we saw Cars last year, every damn animated or quasi-animated monstrosity that was coming out in the next three years was previewed. Plus, every gross kid movie with fart jokes and worm-eating jokes. I almost left Cars just because of the previews.
I guess it works if they pegged the movie genre correctly, but there have been plenty of times I've gotten nervous during the previews because I think, "If they think this audience will like these coming attractions, then I'm not sure I want to stay for this film."
Recently, Grancey and I saw Number 23 and Zodiac, and both of those movies were preceded by horror/slasher previews that we almost laughed out loud at. The only thing I could figure was that Number 23 and Zodiac had been classified as thrillers and they got the thriller preview package. Trust me, Zodiac is far, far from a horror/slasher. If you go there expecting to see Michael Myers or some kind of cinematic ghost story you're going to be severely disappointed.
Here's part 2 of this post. We were the second customers into the theater to take our seats for Zodiac, so we got the prime middle seats. The theater filled up quickly - except for the four seats directly behind us. You know what happens next, right? Just as the previews were starting, three 13-year old morons came in and sat down front, giggling, talking, and bouncing. After a couple of minutes, they got up and moved a few rows back and continued giggling, talking, and bouncing. Then, they got up again and beelined straight for the seats behind us. Great!
They yakked all the way through the rest of the previews (which take about 20 minutes, now), and continued talking into the opening credits of the movie. As soon as the movie started I turned around and told them to be quiet. One of them told me to be quiet. Without saying a word, I got up and got a security guard outside to deal with them. He pulled them out of the seats, scolded them in the hallway, then let them return. Although they didn't talk anymore, they got up twice more to go out in the lobby and come back. As they returned from the last trip, the lady next to them told them that they WOULD NOT get up again and this would be their last time. That worked also, too.
All in all, I enjoyed that part as much as the movie. We figured afterward that they probably came to see 300 and got stuck in Zodiac when they learned that 300 was sold out. I KNOW they must have hated Zodiac, though.
Living is easy with eyes closed.