Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
The only thing wrong with the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument is that people like to adopt a "If-there's-no-scientific-evidence-of-it-then-it-must-not-exist" argument when, in actuality, their argument should be "If-there's-no-scientific-evidence-of-it-then-it-might-exist-outside-of-the-realm-of-science" (Seeing as how, you know, science is limited to the natural world, is based on, you know, induction and can only, you know, measure the known rather than the, you know, unknown).
I agree that matters of God or the Flying Spaghetti Monster are not scientific questions since they fail a very important criteria of science. The argument isn't based on science, it's based on common sense. There are an infinite number of unscientific, metaphysical things one can choose to believe in. We (you and I) happen to not believe in almost all of them. Atheists merely choose to believe in (at least) one less because that one unscientific, metaphysical thing is no different than any of the others. It's perfectly reasonable to not believe in things that, by definition, have nothing to do with reality.
Now, I understand that this is not your complaint but, rather, that people will claim scientific evidence against God's existence. This has nothing to do with the Flying Spaghetti monster. I suspect that what they're really talking about is that there is scientific evidence against Biblical literalism...
But-- Hey!-- Science is what you make of it, right?
I have no idea what this means...
Edit: Does anyone realize how circular the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument is? You'll say prove him, I'll say disprove him and we'll ultimately end up back at square one.
I'm not sure if this is what is meant by "circular reasoning." It's certainly not something that can be intelligently discussed. As you have pointed out, there's nothing either of us can say about His existence or lack, thereof. However, there are unfortunate side effects to a belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, such as denying the truth (as much as anything in science is true) of
evolution. Do you see the issue, here? We're taking real action motivated by fairy tales...
It should probably be noted that the sole purpose of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is to debase the
Intelligent Design movement, in particular, and not necessarily general deism...