But as someone pointed out above, wasn't it within everyone elses right to free speech that they could denounce the Dixie Chicks? No one should ever be told to die or that they are a slut and anyone who said that was being rude and ignorant to say the least. The problem I have is that your post is worded to make it seem as if there were Republican members of Congress saying the Dixie Chicks should die. I find that hard to believe.
Also, whatever their political leanings, Clear Channel is not controlled by the government. If an entity such as VH1 can be liberal and make no qualms about it, why can't another entertainment conglomerate be conservative?
WYRK, my local country station, is owned by Regent Communications.
The Dixie Chicks have a right to say whatever they want. My guess is that they fully intended for the statements to be controversial, they may even have been trying to spark debate by what they said. But people also have the right to respond to those statements. PRIVATELY owned businesses have the right to stop playing their music if they so choose.
Not to get off topic but in the early 1990's the band Silverchair played here in Buffalo and said very negative comments about the city while on stage. The local alternative station stopped playing their songs. I feel it was their perogative to do so and this is somewhat similar. After all, you can still buy Chicks CD's at WalMart.
The Man in Black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed.