The hobbit was the first book written, and is designed as a childrens book.
Between writing that and the LOTR, Tolkien started writing what would become the silmarillion, but was made by his publishers to finish writing LOTR.
After that, he went back to writing all the histories of middle earth, which he never finished, the silmarillion and other middle earth texts were published posthumously by his son.
Read: The Hobbit, LOTR, The silmarillion, Unfished Tales.
Those books, in that order, will give you the best summary of the entire Tolkien universe. I'm reading several other books by his son, christopher tolkien, which contain all the various drafts, and analysis of. Its really inspiring to see where tolkien came from in his ideas, and how he got to the final product. Some of the initial stuff is so wildly different from the finished stuff you have to read it to believe it.
My collection is published by Harper Collins, but i'm in the UK, so i don't know if they publish elsewhere. Get the most recent release, but that goes for most books.
Edit: The tale of Beren and Luthien in Unfinished Tales is one of the most amazing peices of literature i've ever read, you can feel exactly the emotions Tolkien felt for his love in his words, and his absoloute skill as a writer. Brought a tear to my eye.
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Last edited by stevie667; 03-09-2007 at 08:48 AM..