Originally Posted by Darth_Kettch
I do exactly the same: Mess around with something (games, music, forums) at least until midnight, and then force myself up using at least two alarms, then run to make my lectures. Unless I'm with my girlfriend, she needs around an hour less than me, and wakes up very easily.
I love that you use *at least* two alarms. I thought I was the only person that does that. It drove one of my friends I used to live with nuts because he was a light sleeper so by the time my second alarm went off he would be up for the day. Anymore, I am using three alarms. I have two on my clock that I set between 5-15 minutes apart for the ideal time I want to get up then I have an electronic cooking timer that I set when I go to bed as my last resort alarm, in case I say 'screw it' to my plans for getting up a bit earlier and doing stuff.
Originally Posted by JustJess
^^ On an entirely random note, I love that someone in Norway and someone in New Jersey do things the same way.
/end threadjack
Well I am strongly Norwegian by heritage, maybe it heralds back to our ancestors days of looting, pillaging, and boozing all night then having to get up early and haul our booty back to our wives and children. ;-)