Originally Posted by desal75
How has this degenerated into another "the Right is evil" thread?
I appologize, it's not the whole Right, but the vocal minority at that time.
If they are being censored and banned why do I see their videos on VH1? How is that some kind of right wing government plot? They aren't played as much as they used to be on our local radio station and I live in an area that can be counted on for its support of Democrats. Why hasn't the public demanded they be played if its not the fans that dislike them?
First, I can't speak about VH1 but my guess is they are liberal and make no qualms about it. Just a guess.
Government plot? Keep the focus on something trivial. Plus at the time the Right in Congress and the White House were treating Dems who disagreed the same exact way. Publicly ridicule, harass, call names and tarnish senators and representatives that spoke out.
Is your "local" radio station "locally" owned, or is it owned by Clear Channel who owns the vast majority of radio stations?
Why didn't the public speak out? Same reason many didn't when the Right went after the Left in Congress. Fear of being attacked themselves having their patriotism questioned. Not to mention the vast majority of people publicly don't want to rock the boat, they don't want to be outcasts (it's why a vocal minority can control so much).
And just to show that the pendulum swings both ways: Toby Keith (who I can't stand) wasn't allowed to play his song "The Angry American" on some of the post 911 benefits and other televised shows. That is about the most pro war song I have ever heard.
Yes, but was Toby Keith ridiculed for the song? Was he called the equivalent of "Dixie Slut", sent death threats, called anti-American and so on?
Or did it work for him and the Right in Washington by saying, "See the
liberal media doesn't want to see or hear a "true" patriot, a "true" American, someone who supports the war. Yes, we see the bias in the media now.... so come to us, Fox/Drudge/Limbaugh/Coulter/Robertson/etc/etc so we can keep pointing out such discrepencies. All the while these "news" sources are telling you what the bias is, how you should feel, how you should believe and so on. Never once allowing even the slightest dissent to be heard and allowed to be taken seriously.
Instead, matras such as.... "Dixie Sluts... UnAmerican... Non Patriots.... Go live in Europe.... Die.... we Don't like your type here... Don't speak out against America, How dare you....." are planted into our brains and we allow the Freedom of Speech to be attacked ruthlessly. And you are told that those who speak out need to be silenced... and those that serve the cause are being silenced and thus we need to silence and hate the Left even more because of that.
End result:
Dixies are hated, called everything under the Sun, and banned by massive media outlets (Clear Channel Radio... to name one)
While Toby Keith looks like a martyr, has "shown" the bias (as told to us by the above conservative, true patriotic, true country loving media sources), and walks away looking like some kind of hero to the Right who bought into all this BS back then.
Problem is.... when the smoke clears the truth comes out.