Originally Posted by MuadDib
Really? Well I stay up either doing work or just playing around for at least an hour after I'm actually tired. Then I wake up at the last possible moment so I can get ready for work/school/event rather I am still tired or not. Granted, I always like it when I'm not un-tired, but that seems to be a minority of days. In all fairness though, the tiredness wares off after somewhere between 15 min. and 2 hours later rather I've had 8 hours or 1 so that leads me to believe that I'm just a guy that hates getting out of bed in the morning, but is responsible enough to (almost) always do so.
I do exactly the same: Mess around with something (games, music, forums) at least until midnight, and then force myself up using at least two alarms, then run to make my lectures. Unless I'm with my girlfriend, she needs around an hour less than me, and wakes up very easily.