I don't think I've ever hated a season of Survivor more than this one. Blecchh! I'm tired of watching the same tribe dominate and DUH - can't imagine why they're so good, can you? I hope whoever came up with the luxury-poverty twist has been fired and NEVER comes back to Survivor. Stupid, stupid idea. That alone has almost driven me to quit watching.
Grancey announced halfway through the show that they'd better mix up the tribes or merge early or SOMETHING - and the previews seem to suggest they will. I think it's too late. What happens after the merge? Well, several folks will enter individual immunity challenges after having been well-fed and well-rested for two weeks and several of them will compete in near-starvation conditions. Gee - I can't imagine how THAT'S gonna turn out...
I also think they expected somebody to find the hidden immunity idol by now because they've repeated the same clue three weeks in a row now.
I'd be ROYALLY pissed if I was on that show and had been voted off. This is the first time I can recall where the show's writers were responsible for people getting voted off instead of themselves. From the moment Sylvia stepped onto the island she was doomed through no fault of her own, and she seemed like she would have been a great player.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 03-09-2007 at 06:58 AM..