Originally Posted by willravel
...view the entirety of existence through the lens of a book that was written at the same time people thought that the sun was moved by magic. You have to convince yourself that the universe isn't complicated and vast, but small and simple.
You're wrong on both accounts.The Bible isn't a lens through which one views the universe, but rather a reference point which allows for a greater understanding of the universe and God's creation of it. You seem to forget that many scientists (Newton, Darwin, and Einstein to name a few) qualified their work based on their religious views. Therefore, I fail to see how one's understanding of religion narrows his/her view of the natural world... If anything, it expands it.
On the centillion (one million to the hundredth power)-to-one chance I'm wrong, I'd much rather spend eternity in hell than with a deity who chooses to set the rules at odds like this.
For one, the odds aren't nearly that high. That's simple an exaggerated number which most atheists tend to toss around as "Proof" of the fact that God doesn't exist. Anyway, here's a quote I happen to like taken from an interview done between Time Magazine, Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins:
TIME: Could the answer be God?
DAWKINS: There could be something incredibly grand and incomprehensible and beyond our present understanding.
COLLINS: That's God.
Dawkins then goes on to argue that the interpretation of "God" could be numerous different entities. It's not the first time I've seen/heard him backtrack on his assertion that God definitively doesn't exist.
The whole "You can learn how the universe works, but don't accept that knowledge because I gave you a book to believe in instead" is bullshit...
*Refer to point number one*
...and if any deity wants my love or respect, he, she or it should learn that respect and love are earned. That's where the heart of the blasphemy challenge lies for me.
*Insert fits of wild laughter here*
All right. Sorry. I just had to get that out. You're, in essence, cutting off your nose to spite your face. God doesn't
need your respect nor love. He blesses you by honoring him. He doesn't "Miss out" if you choose to deny his existence. I can't help but think of the kid who causes harm to himself in order to try to hurt his parents. Ultimately, it's stupid as you only end up hurting yourself.
But hey... Whatever floats your boat
I was dead for 45 seconds during my heart surgery. Spoiler: Nothing happened. I was not aware. It was as if someone simply shut me down.
I suppose your experience (Or lack, thereof) is greater than someone else's experience so I'll just take your word for it that nothing happens.