well, il, i don't want to speak for m2, but i'll throw out my opinion that i have no respect for an omniscient being who is such a bastard that he/she/it will put people in burning fire or whatnot for eternity if they don't obey/worship/love/accept/whatever. that's the sort of thing i tend to associate with psychopathic abusive parents/spouses, not a loving god who takes the higher road to achieve peace and unity and whatnot.
secondly, i think you misread m2's post, technically. if you wouldn't be speaking of hell / apocolypse with compassion, then you're not the christian she's addressing. you sound like the old testament type christian...floods, plagues, frogs and locusts and whatnot. back before god was a hippie, you know?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style