Actually the ammunition for the Abrams IS stored in the turret, but behind protective plating as stated before. The trick is that the rounds are pointed OUTWARD from the turret, meaning that even if the powder were to "cook-off", the projectile would penetrate AWAY from the crew compartment.
As far ac tactics, yes, current anti-tank weapons are a concern for armored vehicles of ALL types, it is almost unheard of for a group of Abrams to be singles. Usually even in urban warfare, they travel in groups of 3 or more, depending on the assigned task. This makes it difficult for the enemy to sucessfully attack all tanks without getting torn apart themselves. Remember, it is the EXTREMESTS that want to martyr themselves. Most of the enemy want to LIVE, so by attacking a tank with a single anti-tank weapon, then getting mowed down imediately after is NOT what they want. So yes, tanks in unban situations is a good idea. Also as mentioned tanks make EXCELLENT shields agains small arms fire when troops are traveling WITH the tanks, as is most of the case.
Lets take a basic "tour" through town. The idea is to root out and find possible enemy personel in town. An assault group would contain 3 tanks, 5 HMMWV with 50 cal and TOW capability and somewhere in the area of 20 Marines in the HMMWV and on foot. (the limited troops is for an emergency getaway, all troops MUST be able to fit inside all vehicles) Durring the sweep, 5 to 7 Marines do a house by house sweep as the collumn moves up the road, evenly spaced. So no matter WHERE the enemy tries to attack, they can't take out the entire group, they will have to try and seclude them. If they take out the front HMMWV, then the following tank can push it out of the way as needed to provide vehicular travel for all units behind it. Same for the rear, if they take out the rear HMMWV, then the tank in FRONT of it can back up, pushing IT out of the way. Its not a PERFECT system, but VERY well devised. Now if they were to take out one of the tanks, there are enough OTHER tanks to STILL provide a means of escape. Does this help in understanding the use of tanks in an urban conflict?
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison