Originally Posted by woohog1
Not really sure that I understand all of that, im trying to understand and have re-read it several times, but still no clue. Sorry, but you would mind re explaining?
Well certainly for the past 6 years we've had christianity rammed down our collective throat. 10 commandment monuments at courthouses, parks, and other publicly-owned places, arch conservatives running around saying we need to get god back in government, "creation scientists" trying to say that faith is the same thing as science, the teaching of evolution attacked and in some cases banned, Dishonestly using false interpretation of scientific terminology to try and de-emphasize knowledge (it's only a THEORY, and therfore it's probably wrong!). . . All of it leads to an imbalance. Most athiests that I know of are perfectly happy to let religious people have their religion. But they get annoyed when those people try to force their religion on them, and their children, especially through the public education system. Quite frankly if evolution were attacked or banned in my kid's school I would be leading the charge against the "christian" (I use the term in quotes because a true Christian would follow the golden rule and therefore not try to infringe upon the rights of others) idiots who are trying to ban science.
The religious right has had their fun. They've tipped the scales dramatically in their direction, and now the people on the other end of the fulcrum are annoyed and are looking to tip it back. It's hardly surprising.
Situations like this will resolve themselves if people would just, for once, learn to live their own damn lives and leave the rest of the world alone.