I didn't saw any of the videos, i just went straight to
http://www.blasphemychallenge.com to see what is this all about, in a few words, this guys are giving away a free copy of the "the God that wasn't there" DVD to anyone that uploads a video to youtube in which one denies the existence of the Holy Spirit and give one's soul away.
I won't go into the whole God exists doesn't exist shit once again, as for the same nature of the "GOD SYSTEM" any effort to try to show or refute it's existence is totally and completely futile. What really catches my attention about this, is that in a way, Atheism is beginning to sound and look like any other religion or sect and their principal advocates as Pat Robertson's clones, I mean, is simple respect I think. Many of you know that i love South Park, and this situation can't but remind me of an episode where Cartman freezes himself in order to ease the wait for the Wii's launch and he ends up waking up thousands of years into the future and everybody is an atheist, thing is that they are in war against each other because, even though they are all atheists, each group believe that they own the truth to atheism. Thing is that is not GOD the problem, or whether you are right or wrong believing in its existence, but in respecting others ideas and opinions.