I guess I will just go ahead and admit it, I want a new toy. Ok good got that out of my system.
Now as far as the slow and heavy vs. light and fast, im not gonna even open up that pandoras box.

That is for an entirely different thread. I think im gonna stick w/ my good ole .06 and see what happens. BTW I shoot 150 gr remington corelokt soft points in it, and havent had a wound yet. Course at -100 yards that shouldnt really come at a big suprise.
I have heard good things about the new leveraction stuff that they are doing for the .30-30 and I will def have to try those out. I still like my .30-30 for brush hunting, it is quick up, and shorter than my .06 so I can get it into action faster especially when I am stalk hunting. It aint nothin pretty, but has never failed to do its part in taking deer. So maybe I just need to go ahead a get a new toy and get it out of my system!