Originally Posted by Ch'i
Where would be the fun in that? If Ronald Moore put something like that into the end of the episode it would completely take away from the shock of her dying because we would immediately know she was alright. I think its a great cliffhanger.
See, the way the episode was filmed was not as a cliffhanger. It was filmed as the death of Starbuck - no more, no less. A cliffhanger would be to show a quick flash of her being alive somewhere: maybe a flash of her waking up on a baseship, or perhaps a quick moment where she's alive in some other dimension, or whatever. Instead, we were given an episode that wraps everything up, with her accepting death. No indication that there's more to come, except out faith as fans that the people behind BSG wouldn't write such a crappy and pointless death (and destiny) for a major character. I shouldn't have to rely on my faith in the writers to know that someone's death is a cliffhanger: they should have made some indication of it.