Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
If you haven't seen the most recent episode yet, I don't know what you're doing reading this thread in the first place. But just in case, my post is filled with...
So, I knew Starbuck was going to "die" as far as Galactica was concerned. The fact she was done shooting for the season after this episode wasn't exactly a well-kept secret, but I wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen. I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed.
Either 1) her "destiny" was to accept death, in which case it's the Lamest Destiny EVAR (TM), or 2) there's more to her destiny we were not shown. If there's more to it, they should have had some shocking revelation in the last moments of this episode, because without that final revelation as a cliffhanger, I'm left no choice but to assume #1 - her "destiny" is to accept death, and also the lamest excuse to kill off a character I've seen in a long time. If all they're doing is killing her off, they should have given her a death that makes more sense, not "gee, death's not so bad, I guess I'll just let myself die for no reason now." By bringing destiny into the picture, it makes it seem like there's more to her death than that, but you could have fooled me after watching last night's episode.
All it would have taken was a quick 10 seconds: show her wake up on a baseship, show her find herself transported through a wormhole, whatever. Just show SOMETHING to indicate that there's more to the episode than "Starbuck's destiny is to accept death." But, they didn't show anything else, all they showed is Starbuck blowing up. And no matter what they show at a later date, it doesn't change that this episode felt like one big contrived excuse to kill off her character - even more contrived than the excuse to kill off Kat - and nothing more.