Go with what the manual suggests. As stated here the octane difference is how easily (or difficult) the gas is to pre-detonation.
Pre-detonation is where the heat and compression of the piston detonates the gasoline before the piston is at the peak height. This puts a lot of pressure against the motion, causing a lot of stress on the piston/gears/etc and pushing against the motion (giving negative power temporarily). Higher octane gas resists this, however pre-detonation is only a problem in performance engines which compress the gas to higher pressures (and therefore heat) than a regular engine would. If your engine does this, it will say in the manual. If it doesn't (and you have no modifications to it), then you would be simply wasting money on more expensive gas than you need.
And congrats on your standard transmission. My first two trucks were manual, then for graduation my dad bought me an automatic. While at times I am thankful for it (lights at the top of a hill for instance), my left foot still feels bored 4 years later.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas