Originally Posted by Jimellow
How big is that?
I've read Australia has some of the most deadly/venomous creatures in the world.
shoulda added the link from whence the picture comes:
he says they grow to 6 inches - I've seen ones half that size - my son's one is probably on the bigger size of the ones I've seen.
Big. Huntsmans are big spiders, growing up to 15 cm (6 inches) across if you include the legs. The big ones can also be very hairy and even someone comfortable with spiders can get a bit of a surprise when they encounter one. They are usually brown or grey. Some are banded.
Some people call these spiders tarantulas, but these spiders are in fact not tarantulas.
Yes, we do have a bunch of dangerous critters, but these really don't rate. Red back and funnel web spiders both a pretty bad. Funnel webs are supposedly quite common in Sydney and are also quite aggressive, so you do need to be pretty careful, but I've never actually seen one.
Off topic - Snakes? yep something like 7 out of the 10 most deadly snakes are Aussies, especially the spitting trouser snake

(ok only the 7/10 bit is true...)