I was browsing google to try to find something about the effects of toilet paper and I ran across this forum. Although I'm not dealing with the same issues (ie cuts on the vagina) I do have similar vulvar problems. I have interstitial cystitis that is a deterioration of the bladder lining and pelvic floor muscle tension which means my muscles are so tight that they are causing my pelvic area a lot of burning and pain, which could affect ones sex life. It makes me feel like I have a bladder infection all the time, but without any actual infection. Feels very similar to a yeast infection. If you are feeling like you have repeated yeast or bladder infections but have negative results I would recommend that you get tested for these two things. I would also recommend that you go to a Urogynecologist instead of a plain gynecologist because they specialize in not only the vaginal area but the urethra, bladder and bowel areas as well. If your gynecologist doesn't know what is wrong, ask her to refer you to someone who does. They should be proactive in trying to help you find out what is wrong.
I have read most of the replies and I think I will go to a dermatologist and get tested for some of the recommended. I have recently been feeling better after almost a full year of burning non-stop. But the past few days I have been burning again. I realized that I switched toilet paper brands and that might be the culprit. Does anyone know of a toilet paper that is very gentle and without any chemicals?
One more word of advice. If you are having trouble having sex mentally (ie, scared, loss of sex drive, etc) I would seriously recommend going to a sex therapist. I haven't been able to have sex with my fiance for about 6 months now because I've been so scared of it hurting, but I've recently started going to a therapist and I feel that my drive is coming back again.