Originally Posted by Charlatan
The Best Years of our Life is an interesting choice. What was it about that film in particular that mirrors your personal philosophy?
Well, I suppose I have a very old-fashioned and sentimental streak, but I love the way people love each other in this film. The goodness that is portrayed in people. The scene where Homer tries to shock his fiancee Wilma into leaving him by showing him his arms without the hooks, and she takes the hooks and hangs them where they belong and helps him to undress. Showing him that she still wants HIM even though he's been permanently disfigured by the war. How Peggy saves Fred from his selfish and judgemental wife who will only ever love him for the medals on his uniform or the kind of job he has or the things he can buy her or the nightclubs he takes her to. When the character played by Fredric March (can't remember his character's name at the moment), newly promoted, gives that veteran farmer a loan even though he knew the bank he works for won't like it and stands by his choice even under pressure from the number crunchers.
Goodness and higher qualities in mankind just ooze from this film. I love the characters and the journeys they go through. The women are luminous and smart and strong.
This movie personifies my philosophy of love and family.