Originally Posted by dc_dux
THE UK didnt say NO...they turned the Palestinian issue over to the UN in Feb 47 and then abstained from the Partition vote, which received a greater than 2/3 majority in the affirmative, in Nov 47.
That's not the whole story. The UK refused to implement the 1947 Partition Plan, citing that the plan was not acceptable to both sides (Jew and Arab). The UK terminated the British Mandate of Palestine in 1948, and henceforth the UK, and thus the UN had no jurisdiction over the carving up of Palestine. Despite this, the UN accepted Israel into the UN even though the Arab Israeli war had not had a victor yet. The US and the Soviet Union accepted Israel's declaration about being an independent nation. Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, and Egyptian troops invaded as a response to this (where they had only been working covertly to assist the Palestinians before). The US and Russia backed Israel, so the Arab nations and Palestine lost.