Originally Posted by dc_dux
Will...do you really believe there were democratic institutions in place in Palestine before Partition?
Under the defacto "government" or authoritarian rule of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (an ally of Hitler), even after he was convicted at the Nuremburg trials as a war criminal and living in exile in Egypt under the protection of Nasser) the simple answer is that the Arabs in Palestine/Israel had no right to vote on anything that affected their lives. The majority Arab population did what the Mufti ordered them to do.
That's not the point. The point is that the UK, the government that had control over the region, said "No" because the population was ignored and then left, meaning that the UN had no authority over the region at all. Despite that fact, members of the UN supplied Israelis with weapons and funds, and the UN itself recognized Israel as a member even though it wasn't even Israel yet.