Originally Posted by dc_dux
Will..I am well aware that the Partition resolution (approved by the UN General Asembly - 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent) was rejected by the Arabs and the fact that it was implemented without the approval or participation of those Arab nations, who chose to wage war instead.
But what about the Arabs in Palestine/Israel? Where was their vote? Where was the vote of the majority of the population? Outside influences may all have their big opinions and such, be they UN or Arab neighbor, but why was the population of the land being carved up not given an opportunity to vote? The simple answer is that Palestine would be Arab run, with Jews in it (like Lebanon, but without the Hezbollah), and the members UN wouldn't have that. They felt badly about the holocaust and instead of trying to end antisemitism in Europe, which would have been a logical response to the holocaust, they allowed their guilt and pity to lead to the seizure of land that was already occupied. As I tried to make clear, the majority Arab population of what is not Israel said 'no' to the UN's ruling. What right did the UN have to ignore them? The British pulled out completely and refused to implement the plan for this very reason. Considering that the British had the only real claim on the land with their Mandate of Palestine, the UN lost any and all of it's authority in the situation. The funny thing is that despite the fact that the UN had no authority to do so, they proclaimed that Israel was a state after this and admitted them into the UN, bypassing the reality of the situation. It was in response to this and the rising of Zionism that Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon declared war. Israel gained financial and arms backing from the US and Russia and numerous other states already armed to the teeth, and that is where Israel came from.