Well if you're going to find out who started the whole thing, then it was the UN, who gave Palestine to Israel
Will...it surprises me that you continue to offer this misinterpretation of history. The UN did not give Palestine to Israel...it partioned a land in 1948, with 1.5 million Arabs and .7 million Jews, both of whom had legitimate historical claims, into two states. The Jews being given the land where they had the majority population and the Arabs given the land where they were in the majority.
The Arab neighbors of the new state of Israel not only attacked it 5 times in the next 20 years, but also were the first to create Palestinian refugees by annexing their land and denying them citizenship.
Israel has not been blameless in its brief history and there have been times when it has taken the offensive, sometimes to excess, as the best defensive strategy for survival when surrounded by enemies.
Please read your history, particularly regarding the Partition and the early days of the proposed two state solution and how the neighboring Arab leaders (Nasser in Egypt and Abdullah in Jordan) used the Palestinians as sacrificial pawns with the intent of creating and maintaining a stateless defacto fighting force of anti-Isreal terrorists.