Originally Posted by powerclown
willravel, the [Israelis] have tried negotiating with the arabs for decades. Time after time after time after time after time after time after time, IT IS THE ISRAELIS - NEVER THE ARABS! - WHO EXTEND THE OLIVE BRANCH AND OFFER CONCESSIONS, only to receive death and destruction in return.
Israel took over Palestine with the illegal backing of the UN. The negotiation that the Arab nations might be interested in would be, "Sorry about everything, we're moving back to Europe. Have a nice day." If someone came by your house with the police and they said, "So yeah, we're moving in." and there was nothing you could do about it, you'd be pissed too.
Originally Posted by powerclown
They've been forced, FORCED, into a defensive posture because they have no other choice. They have no. other. choice. The [Palestinian] leaders, all of them, are like Bush minus the resources. As [Israeli] prime minister, how would you deal with the [Palestinians] and protect your people at the same time?
I'd hardly call what happened earlier this year in Lebanon a 'defensive posture'. They are aggressive, and a lot of innocent people died (thousands of Lebanese, and how many Israelis?). They stole Palestine, and they'll defend it by destroying Palestine's former neighbors.
Originally Posted by powerclown
The [Israelis] move one inch out of their defensive posture, and they are attacked. It happens every time. Do you know how many websites there are that provide information and social services to Israeli men, women & children that have to deal with living with the stress and psychologically damaging effects of having to live in fear of a terrorist attack on a daily basis? Dozens.
How difficult it must be for them. Of course, their country isn't invaded, their homes bulldozed, their power shut off, their sewage running in the street, walls built around them with armed guards. Israel is quite similar to the US in that because they have military power they feel they can do anything, UN or international community be damned. The US ignored the warning about Iraq just as Israel ignored the UN about the human rights violations.