Dixie Chicks ~ Are Y'all Still Mad?
I just finished watching the documentary "Shut Up and Sing" about the Dixie Chicks, and the fall from grace and redemption after Natalie Maines' admission that she was ashamed to be from the same state as the President, at a concert in London in 2003.
I thought the documentary was okay, it wasn't great. It was too jumpy for one thing, when it could have and should have played out chronologically and it still would have made sense to me. The documentary doesn't play out like a sob story or pity party, and as far as I was concerned it wasn't really much of a 'told you so' story either, but there were elements of all three aspects in it.
I watched the documentary because I was aware of the media fallout that the Dixie Chicks suffered and I was interested in the story of how they had redeemed themselves. Unfortunately this documentary ends before the redemption really begins, and actually the film ends on a bit of a down note, with a bit of doomsday forecasting that the Dixie Chicks might never again reach the frenzied status they once enjoyed in their era 'before the comment'.
But anyway, the documentary got me wondering. This question is directed to all you country music fans, or Dixie Chicks fans, or ex-fans. Do ya'll still have a hate on for the Chicks? Has that changed? Has the success of their recent album or the resilience of the DC girls caused you to hate them more, or less? I just wonder if there still is some deep seeded resentment down south for these chicks, or if people have by and large stopped caring or forgiven them?
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys