There is a monumental difference between a group of people who wish to have self determination and equal legal/sovereign protections, then a group of cowardly murderers who act outside of any legal context and outside of any national identity. There is no comparison.
Its tough for America not to meddle, either directly or indirectly. Just has a starting point you cannot escape the reality of globalization. It is inevitable, that the spread of western culture, a culture that is vastly SUPERIOR to that of Islamic/Arabic culture, will take place. Now before I get labeled a racist or xenophobe, lets just look at the facts; hrmm universal sufferage, separation of church and state, free speech, freedom of religion; equality (not perfect but exponentially better then that of 90+% of any Islamic nation) amongst the sexes, our women are allowed to make their own choices, like for example if they want to learn to read, or marry, or bear children or not; there is no systematic repression of the people in the west whether by ethnicity/color/or creed. Now sure things aren't perfect, if you wanted to nitpick you could make some points to that, but as a whole our legal system/basis of society is exponentially superior.
Now I'm not even going to dignify any comments about finding common ground with these sociopaths, or appeasement, so I'll address Will's point about the secret being in de-radicalizing the "terrorist populations". Well isn't that is what is happening with globalization? The spread of western culture/ideals, democracy, self determination? Why would I want to live under a bunch of repressive despotic mullahs if I had a choice. The problem isn't us, the problem is them, those who are resisting, who are holding on to some tired quasi-religious/ethnic Arab-Islamic identity; lets maintain the Caliphate for the glory of Allah, lets continue to live as we did in the dark ages, and if you don't agree will kill you.
In addressing the OP, about response to terrorism begetting more violence, all I can really say is so what? The government has a duty and responsibility to the people to uphold its laws, to provide for their common defense. It is disingenious and delusional to think you can somehow barter with extra-national actors in any practical sense. It might not be a fight you can win, but its a fight that you have to fight, otherwise what is there, appeasement? Then any prick with a grievance will exploit and walk all over you.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.