Originally Posted by 3leggedfrog
Didn’t the Jewish people try that with the Palestinians when they pulled out of Gaza in an attempt to appease Homas? All that accomplished was that there was more terrorist attacks and increase of aid to the terrorists from Iran.
Violence did die down for a bit, but the human rights violations never really stopped. They got worse. Israel destroyed over a thousand (1,497) Palestinian buildings and have destroyed infrastructure. Bulldozers ran over homes, destroyed roads, knocked over electrical lines, and have dug up sewage lines. Israel has erected walls and fences, dug trenches and put up surveillance cameras, effectively making the Palestinian communities into prisons. That's where the attacks came from. "Sure we'll let you live here...opps, bulldozed your house! Oops! You didn't reach the checkpoint between 6:00 and 6:15, you can't go to the hospital! Oops, your power is off because we ran over a power line with a bulldozer!"
Originally Posted by 3leggedfrog
Bin Laden doesn’t just want our leadership he wants us. He is quote as saying, he wants the decadent west brought to their knees. Yes he hates both Prez Bush but he is a fundamentalist who wants the world to follow his world view. He is like Hitler in that fashion he has a view of what he thinks the world should be and is willing to do anything to bring that into being. (Not that I think Bin Laden has much power left anyway. He’s just a figure head now with a few like minded people running his terrorist origination.)
Osama bin Laden has a specific goal of 'liberating' what he considers to be Islamic lands. This means everything from the removal (destruction) of Israel and the removal of all Western influence from the Middle East. To that end, he is willing to attack military targets, but has only allegedly on one occasion attacked an American civilian target (the Twin Towers). He wants us to get our house in order. He has actually commended us for our living in peace with the many Muslims in the US, despite that this is a primarily Christian nation. "Know thy enemy" teaches us that people like Bush and Bin Laden require careful study. It's in that interest that I quote Osama Bin Laden, terrorist, murderer, radical:
Originally Posted by OBL, 10/04
Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush, or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Each and every state that does not tamper with our security will have automatically assured its own security.