Had you eaten very much that day ?
You might have had a pinched nerve in your lower back. As I was reading your story, it was very very similar to my rollerblade crash. I fell on my tail bone and I hadn't eaten all day. I saw the flashes and the stars and then it all went white. I was told by someone that going all white is a sign of going into mental shock from the event. One would assume that everything in that room is grounded so I doubt you were shocked by electricity. But as you stood up, you may have broken a blood vessel in your skull or perhaps you injured your lower back slightly and the white out shut off all the physical pain.
Anyway, it's hard to track these things and recreating them is a bad idea IMHO.
My two cents,
"We are sure to be losers when we quarrel with
ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton